Happy 2024!!!
I came to dust the cobwebs off this page, lol. How are you doing? Missed me? I promise I never forgot about you all…your constant support, your encouragement, likes and comments, I never forgot about it guys, you all are the real MVPs. I really do love yo all. And thank you for letting me go on this journey at my own pace, that is the greatest love of all. God bless you real good.
I have struggled with the idea of continuing with blogging not gonna lie, but every time it crosses my mind, I think to myself “you are just a chicken.” Why would I wanna stop doing the one thing no one forced me to begin in the first place? I didn’t start blogging because I wanted to be famous or liked, I started because I wanted to share my heart & stories with people like you, so why would I pack it up just like that? If I ever wanted to stop, I must take a bow respectfully and in a dignified manner; but as long as I’ve still got stories in me, I’ll keep writing.
This is my little piece of heaven in form of e-diary where I get to let you in on what is going on in my head, heart & life. I think the reason I started losing interest was because I was trying so hard, when all I needed to do was write about whatever I felt like at the time, no inhibitions. Well, that is exactly what I am going to do this year, whoop whoop! I am not promising to be consistent but I won’t be throwing in the towel just yet. When that time comes, you will be the first to know, trust me.
I have just recently completed my 1st draft for my upcoming book project and it looks a hot mess y’all, lol. I still have about 50 revisions or more to go (just kidding), but yeah, I’ve got my work cut out for me. I haven’t been sleeping, but I need to press hard on the gas so I can speed things up, Lord help me!
Okay, I think I will be wrapping it up here, the kiddos are about to be back home and lunch must be ready, haha. Thanks for reading my not so fancy write-up today. Like I said, I only popped in to let you know I am still alive and well, and yeah, na me still get this blog, lol. I’ll write to you soon again, right. Do keep warm/cool whichever you need this season. And may the peace of God continually guard your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus, Amen.
With all my love,
Love your writing Ize????????????