A generation where the enemy doesn’t have to do much to cause us to lose focus is the one we live in now. He is basically just gliding the streets of our lives, throwing shades, jabs and consequences of our actions right back at us. He uses his vices through what we expose ourselves to when we refuse to apply godly filters.
All he has to do is to keep increasing the objects of distraction to cause you to lose focus. He knows that when you are distracted, your vision becomes divided (DI-VISION). You know as in Di and vision, two vision? I think you get my point now. Your vision is meant to be one, unitary, uno not two or double. With di-vision, there is lack of focus and when there is no focus, there is no power, and when there is no power, there is weakness, and where there is weakness, the predator preys. He thrives on your weakness to kill you. That guy has no mercy, do not be deceived.
Look around you, or better still look inside of you, what is causing you to lose focus? It doesn’t have to be bad, but it definitely is carnal. You are carnal when you act against God’s Word, it is that simple. What is it or what are they? What is your poison? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you focus on the ONE thing that is utmost – pleasing God and fulfilling the purpose He has created you for. And in case you do not know what it is, Tik-Tok, Twitter, YouTube or Instagram isn’t gonna let you in on that, seek God and you will find Him in and through His Word. Study the Word to show yourself approved. And to show you have been approved by Him.
I have set the Lord continually before me, because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken ( Psalm 16:8).
I think on things that are pure, lovely, noble, right, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8)
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. Jesus has come that I may have life, and that I may have it more abundantly (John 10:10).
Love always.
So easy to lose focus lately. Only meditating the word of God and dwelling in it can help us keep focus on what matters. ??